Valbridge Employee Spotlight: Scott Robinson, MAI, SRA, AI-GRS, AI-RRS, MRICS
August 22, 2019

Title: Managing Director
Date: August 22, 2019
VPA Office: Charleston
Employee background:
Scott Robinson, MAI, SRA, AI-GRS, AI-RRS of Salisbury, North Carolina has been engaged in real property appraisal and consulting since 1986, when he joined Robinson Associates, a Salisbury firm his father John started in the mid-1960s. Scott’s professional appraisal background includes residential, commercial/industrial, agricultural, and other real property valuation, consultation, litigation support, and review appraisal.
Scott has been actively involved with the Appraisal Institute since joining as a candidate for the SRA designation in 1986, including a four-year term on the national Board of Directors and serving as chair of Region V. He served in all offices for the North Carolina Chapter including Chapter President in 2005 and has been active at the regional and national levels since 1991. Scott was the Appraisal Institute’s National President in 2016. He is currently the Chair of the Appraisal Institute’s Strategic Planning Committee and a Regional Representative for the NC Chapter for Region V.
Scott is a trained instructor for the Appraisal Institute and currently serves as a senior experience screener, demonstration report grader, and Capstone facilitator. He has presented on various topics in 17 countries and most of the US. Since 2014, Robinson has also served as a vice president for the World Association of Valuation Organizations (WAVO). He is the currently 1st VP and will be president of that organization for the two years 2022 and 2023. Additionally, he has been a trustee for the International Property Measurement Standards Coalition (IPMSC) since 2014, and serves on the organization’s Executive Committee. Scott also holds the MRICS designation from RICS, and is an NC Real Estate Broker/Realtor member of the National Association of Realtors.
Scott received a bachelor’s degree in Biology in 1981 from Wake Forest University, in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. He is an Eagle Scout and continues to serve in Scouting including serving on the Eagle District Board of Review. He is 30 year member of the Salisbury Kiwanis Club, and served as the Club’s president in 1991 and received the George F. Hickson Fellowship from Kiwanis International in 1999. Additional Community service includes being Chair of the Salisbury Planning Board and the Zoning Board of Adjustment, various positions with St. John’s Lutheran Church and Salisbury Academy.
Robinson and his wife, Kim, of 31 years reside in Salisbury, North Carolina. They have two children; a daughter, Molly, who is an instructor at East Carolina University and son, Miles, who is senior at East Carolina University. Kim and Scott enjoy travel, walking, and spending time with family.
What is your title and what do you do at Valbridge?
Managing Director. I am working to expand our footprint into Eastern North Carolina through acquisitions and staffing up.
How did you become a part of Valbridge?
I was in conversations with several of their senior managing directors for over a year. It looked like a great fit and tremendous opportunity to join a dynamic company.