Valbridge Employee Spotlight: Ilene Sheer, MAI
February 23, 2022

Title: Senior Appraiser
Date: February 22, 2022
VPA Office: Valbridge Property Advisors | Baltimore Washington Metro
Employee background:
I began my appraisal career at Lipman Frizzell & Mitchell right out of grad school and then I had my own company for 16 years.
What is your title and what do you do at Valbridge?
I am a Senior Appraiser. I work on all types of property in the Baltimore Washington area
How did you become a part of Valbridge?
I worked with David Brooks at Lipman Frizzell & Mitchell for nine-plus years and we remained friends over the years. In the Spring of 2018, I saw him at a continuing education class and he indicated that he was now the Senior Managing Director of the Valbridge Baltimore-Washington office, he was looking for appraisers and wanted to know if I wanted to take a look. I liked what I heard and started working for Valbridge soon after.
What are your specialty areas?
I work on almost every property type, but I prefer appraising industrial and retail properties.
What are some of the most interesting projects you've worked on at Valbridge?
While the valuations are for the most part pretty standard, it’s fun when you get to take a look “behind the scenes” of different industries. We recently appraised a large commercial laundromat that had the contract for many local hospitals and hotels. So, you can imagine the incredible volume of dirty sheets, towels, etc. they had to wash. The system they had in place for the cleaning, drying, and the pressing process was impressive not to mention the computer system required to keep each client separate.
We also appraised what we originally thought was a typical Baltimore City industrial building... Well, in fact, it wasn’t, it had been repurposed as a residential re-entry program for non-violent criminals. That was fun and a little scary.
What do you like most about working at Valbridge?
I like the incredible nationwide database along with the cutting-edge technology that integrates everything. In addition, it’s nice to know that if you need an expert on some specialty project that you have never appraised before, there is a high probability that there is someone at Valbridge that has, and they are truly happy to help you.
Additional information:
I love spending time with my family and friends and of course my dog, she loves that I work from home most days!