Valbridge Employee Spotlight: Joanne Montgomery, Director of Operations
March 20, 2019

Title: Director of Operations
Date: March 15, 2019
VPA Office: Kansas City
Employee background:
As the Director of Operations for Valbridge Property Advisors | Kansas City my focus is on continuing our firm’s success and growth by helping my co-workers be their best. My role is threefold: operations, marketing and culture. I wear many hats, but all of them have a common theme of service. At the most basic level, my primary responsibility is to take care of our team members and clients.
What is your title and what do you do at Valbridge?
I was hired at Valbridge as a temporary part-time employee to help cover for the office manager who was recovering from surgery. She returned from the surgery, but I never left. Laird Goldsborough our Senior Managing Director said, “We like you, but we’re not sure what your role will be.” It didn’t take long to figure out that I excelled at the operations and people side of the business. However, Laird likes to tell people I refused to leave. That’s only partially true.
How did you become a part of Valbridge?
Operations, marketing and culture.
What are your specialty areas?
I’m a part of the Mentoring Committee for the Valbridge Women’s Council, and we recently launched the mentoring program. Designed for both men and women, the program will be a huge asset for both retention and recruitment. It also promotes the sharing of ideas across all generations within the organization. I’m incredibly passionate about the program and what the Valbridge Women’s Council is doing as whole.
What are some of the most interesting projects you've worked on at Valbridge?
I’ve been incredibly blessed to have our Senior Managing Director as a mentor/ sponsor. Laird sees things in me that I don’t see. He pushes me out of my comfort zone to take on new challenges both professionally and personally. Valbridge nationally has the same outlook and is always taking on the next challenge. The company looks for ways to help team members grow – specialty practice groups, template improvements and the Valbridge Women’s Council are all examples of this.